Results for 'Humanities Research Council of Canada'

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  1. Papers Presented at the Regional Conference for Central English-Speaking Canada.J. M. S. Careless, Claude Thomas Bissell, John A. Irving & Humanities Research Council of Canada - 1950 - S.N.
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  2. Canada’s new ethical guidelines for research with humans: A critique and comparison with the United States.J. Millum - 2012 - Canadian Medical Association Journal 184:657-61.
    Canada’s Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans, first published in 1998, has recently been updated.1 The US Department of Health and Human Services has just issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would substantially change the 20-year-old Common Rule governing most federally funded research involving human participants.2 A comparison of the two countries’ systems for protecting human research participants is therefore timely. This analysis situates the Canadian system in an international context, (...)
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    Beyond Consensus: Contesting the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation at the United Nations.Madeline Baer - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):361-383.
    Resolutions in the United Nations Human Rights Council and General Assembly provide clarification of economic, social, and cultural (ESC) rights, and most of these resolutions pass by consensus. Yet these resolutions are more contentious than they appear. This article analyzes a case study of contestation over resolutions on two ESC rights: water and sanitation. Drawing from theories of norms contestation, this article analyzes how the USA, UK, and Canada challenged the creation of the rights to water and sanitation (...)
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    Business ethics in canada: Integration and interdisciplinarity. [REVIEW]Michael McDonald - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (6):635-643.
    In 1989, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada established a strategic research theme on applied ethics -- a theme which has been characterized by its welcome emphasis on the integration of theory and practice and interdisciplinarity. In the six competitions in that theme for research funding, bioethics has received more support than other areas of applied ethics including business ethics. Nonetheless, I argue that Canadian research in business and professional ethics (...)
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    The tri-council policy statement and research in cyberspace: Research ethics, the internet, and revising a 'living document'. [REVIEW]Heather A. Kitchin - 2003 - Journal of Academic Ethics 1 (4):397-418.
    Increasingly, the Internet is proving to be an important research tool. Today, cyberspace affords researchers easy access to traditionally difficult to reach populations, a host of virtual communities, and a wealth of data created through computer-mediated-communication. This newfound research frontier brings with it, however, a multiplicity of ethical concerns, including: (1) whether the Internet constitutes a private or public space; (2) whether the human subject paradigm is appropriate when considering the ethics of Internet research; and (3) whether (...)
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  6. Human Research Ethics Committees in Technical Universities.David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Sylvia Pont - 2014 - Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 9 (3):67-73.
    Human research ethics has developed in both theory and practice mostly from experiences in medical research. Human participants, however, are used in a much broader range of research than ethics committees oversee, including both basic and applied research at technical universities. Although mandated in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, non-medical research involving humans need not receive ethics review in much of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Our survey of the (...)
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    Reflections on My Experience in Human Research Ethics.K. G. Davey - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (1-2):27-31.
    This paper was delivered at the 2009 annual conference of the National Council on Ethics in Human Research. It is a reflective piece based on many years of experience with human research ethics and the role of Research Ethics Boards in human participant research.
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    News from the Russell Editorial Project.Louis Greenspan - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (1):95-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Supplement News from the Russell Editorial Project by Louis Greenspan As 1 WRITE, the Project room is completely silent. Richard Rempel is pu~suing the elusive tracks of Russell as ghost-writer, Research Associate Mark Lippincott is deciphering some manuscripts and our typesetter, Arlene Duncan, is keying in new texts for Volume 4. Albert Lewis vigilant-' Iy works daily on the computer, and over in the Russell Archives Ken Blackwell, (...)
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    Eine Kritische Untersuchung der Erkenntnistheorie Josiah Royces: Mit Kommentaren Und Änderungsvorschlälgen von Edmund Husserl, Texte Aus Dem Nachlass von Winthrop P. Bell.Edmund Husserl & Winthrop Bell - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Jason Bell & Thomas Vongehr.
    Dieser Band der Husserliana Materialien enthält die Erstveröffentlichung der Dissertation von Winthrop Pickard Bell, dem ersten englischsprachigen Doktoranden Edmund Husserls. In seiner Arbeit untersucht Bell die Erkenntnistheorie seines einstigen Harvard-Professors, dem amerikanischen Pragmatisten und Idealisten Josiah Royce, und entwickelt hierzu eine Kritik vom Standpunkt der Husserl'schen Erkenntnisphänomenologie. Husserl selbst hatte ihn gebeten, über dieses Thema zu forschen. Die Beilagen dieses Bandes beinhalten Husserls Kommentare und Änderungsvorschläge zu der Arbeit sowie die 1922 im "Jahrbuch der philosophischen Fakultät in Göttingen" erschienene Zusammenfassung (...)
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    Ethics in Community-University-Artist Partnered Research: Tensions, Contradictions and Gaps Identified in an ‘Arts for Social Change’ Project.Annalee Yassi, Jennifer Beth Spiegel, Karen Lockhart, Lynn Fels, Katherine Boydell & Judith Marcuse - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):199-220.
    Academics from diverse disciplines are recognizing not only the procedural ethical issues involved in research, but also the complexity of everyday “micro” ethical issues that arise. While ethical guidelines are being developed for research in aboriginal populations and low-and-middle-income countries, multi-partnered research initiatives examining arts-based interventions to promote social change pose a unique set of ethical dilemmas not yet fully explored. Our research team, comprising health, education, and social scientists, critical theorists, artists and community-activists launched a (...)
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  11. Eine kritische Untersuchung der Erkenntnistheorie Josiah Royces: Mit Kommentaren und Änderungsvorschlägen von Edmund Husserl. Texte aus dem Nachlass von Winthrop P. Bell (1914/22).Winthrop Bell - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Jason Bell & Thomas Vongehr.
    Dieser Band der Husserliana Materialien enthält die Erstveröffentlichung der Dissertation von Winthrop Pickard Bell (1894-1965), dem ersten englischsprachigen Doktoranden Edmund Husserls. In seiner Arbeit untersucht Bell die Erkenntnistheorie seines einstigen Harvard-Professors, dem amerikanischen Pragmatisten und Idealisten Josiah Royce, und entwickelt hierzu eine Kritik vom Standpunkt der Husserl'schen Erkenntnisphänomenologie. Husserl selbst hatte ihn gebeten, über dieses Thema zu forschen. Die Beilagen dieses Bandes beinhalten Husserls Kommentare und Änderungsvorschläge zu der Arbeit sowie die 1922 im "Jahrbuch der philosophischen Fakultät in Göttingen" erschienene (...)
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  12.  48
    What’s Human Rights Got to Do with It? On the Proposed Changes to SSHRC Ethics Research Policy.Sonja Grover - 2004 - Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (3):249-262.
    Whats human rights got to do with it? That is, whats human rights got to do with the June 2004 report of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Special Working Committee to the Inter-Agency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics. The disturbing answer is not enough. Certain key recommendations of the working committee, it is suggested, would unacceptably weaken the researchers legal and moral accountability to research participants. Those particular recommendations rely on misguided references to academic (...)
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  13.  57
    Placebos and the UK medical research council — and the consumer perspective.Joan Box - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):95-101.
    The UK Medical Research Council, in order to further its mission of maintaining and improving human health, supports a substantial number of clinical trials on a wide variety of medical questions; some of these trials involve the use of placebos as controls or to maintain blinding. Before providing support, proposed trials are carefully reviewed to assess scientific quality, and to determine whether a placebo is required and is ethical — in addition to ethics review by independent Research (...)
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  14. Human Participants in Engineering Research: Notes from a Fledgling Ethics Committee.David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Sylvia Pont - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):1033-1048.
    For the past half-century, issues relating to the ethical conduct of human research have focused largely on the domain of medical, and more recently social–psychological research. The modern regime of applied ethics, emerging as it has from the Nuremberg trials and certain other historical antecedents, applies the key principles of: autonomy, respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice to human beings who enter trials of experimental drugs and devices :168–175, 2001). Institutions such as Institutional Review Boards and Ethics (...)
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    Confronting deep moral disagreement: The president's council on bioethics, moral status, and human embryos.Lawrence J. Nelson & Michael J. Meyer - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):33 – 42.
    The report of the President's Council on Bioethics, Human Cloning and Human Dignity, addresses the central ethical, political, and policy issue in human embryonic stem cell research: the moral status of extracorporeal human embryos. The Council members were in sharp disagreement on this issue and essentially failed to adequately engage and respectfully acknowledge each others' deepest moral concerns, despite their stated commitment to do so. This essay provides a detailed critique of the two extreme views on the (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The mind-body-body problem.Robert Hanna & Evan Thompson - 2003 - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 7 (T):24-44.
    ? We gratefully acknowledge the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, which provided a grant for the support of this work. E.T. is also supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the McDonnell Project in Philosophy and the Neurosciences. 1 See David Woodruff Smith.
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  17.  65
    Pursued by Happiness and Beaten Senseless Prozac and the American Dream.Carl Elliott - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (2):7-12.
    Since the publication of Listening to Prozac there have been many debates about how and why Prozac and other similar drugs are prescribed. The articles that follow take up debates about what conditions such drugs can and should address, questions about authenticity in using drugs for psychic well‐being, and concerns about what means we morally endorse in projects of self‐creation. The contributions from Carl Elliott, Peter Kramer, James Edwards, and David Healy derive from a project supported by the Social Sciences (...)
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  18. Fact and Existence Proceedings of the University of Western Ontario Philosophy Colloquium, November 1966. [By W.V. Quine and Others] Edited by Joseph Margolis.W. V. Quine, Joseph Zalman Margolis, Ont Canada Council & London - 1969 - University of Toronto Press.
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    SirJohn Beazley: The Berlin Painter. (Australian Humanities Research Council, Occasional Papers, No. 6.) Pp. 15; 10 plates. Melbourne: University Press (London: Cambridge University Press), 1964. Paper, 10 s. net.R. M. Cook - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (1):126-126.
  20.  4
    Indigenous Peoples’ human genomic sovereignty: Lessons for Africa.Faith Kabata - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Human genomics research with indigenous peoples has often been characterised by tension between the ‘western’ science ideologies and indigenous peoples’ cultural beliefs in relation to their human genetic resources and data. This article explores this tension from the lens of the concept of indigenous peoples’ human genomic sovereignty and tests the applicability of the concept in Africa. The article achieves this by first highlighting the tension between ‘western’ science and indigenous peoples through three case studies from Canada, the (...)
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    Selected readings in human sexuality.Sharon N. Obasi (ed.) - 2020 - San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.
    Selected Readings in Human Sexuality provides students with a carefully curated selection of readings that highlight specific topics within the spectrum of human sexual behavior. The anthology contains 10 readings that cover various topics, including interracial and interethnic relationships, sexual harassment, human trafficking, changes in sexual behavior throughout the lifespan, and more. The readings have been selected to illustrate the different ways in which human sexuality may be investigated, including systematic reviews of existing literature, case studies, and empirical research. (...)
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    ‘La Guerre aux Insectes’: Pest Control and Agricultural Reform in the French Enlightenment.Etienne Stockland - 2013 - Annals of Science 70 (4):435-460.
    Summary This paper examines the entomological investigations carried out by the French naturalist Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau during a series of insect epidemics that ravaged France in the second half of the eighteenth century.1 This article began as a paper for Pamela H. Smith's ?Knowledge in Transit? graduate seminar. I would like to thank the participants of that seminar for comments and feedback. I would also like to thank Pamela Smith, Carl Wennerlind, Anya Zilberstein, Christopher L. Brown, Charly Coleman, Matthew (...)
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  23.  64
    Moving Toward Evidence-Based Human Participant Protection.Michael McDonald & Susan Cox - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (1-2):1-16.
    There is near universal recognition that human participant protection is both morally and practically essential for all forms of research involving humans. Yet most of the discourse around human participant protection has focussed on norms—rules, regulations and governance arrangements—rather than on the actual effectiveness of these norms in achieving their ends—protecting participants from undue risk and ensuring respectful treatment as well as advancing the generation of useful knowledge. In recent years there has been increasing advocacy for evidence-based human participant (...)
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  24.  51
    P. Oxy. LXXIV (D.) Leith, (D.C.) Parker, (S.R.) Pickering, (N.) Gonis, (M.) Malouta [et al.] (edd., trans.) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXIV. (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 95.) Pp. xii + 174, pls. London: Egypt Exploration Society with The Arts and Humanities Research Council and The British Academy, 2009. Cased, £65. ISBN: 978-0-85698-183-8. [REVIEW]Claudio de Stefani - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):435-437.
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    P. Oxy. LXXI - Hatzilambrou, Parsons, Chapa [et al.] The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXI. Pp. xii + 164, colour pls. London: Egypt Exploration Society for The Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2007. Cased, £65. ISBN: 978-0-85698-174-6. [REVIEW]Elena Esposito - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):285-288.
  26. Canadian Research Ethics Boards and Multisite Research: Experiences from Two Minimal-Risk Studies.Eric Racine, Emily Bell & Constance Deslauriers - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (3):12-18.
    Canada’s Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans mandates that all research involving human subjects be reviewed and approved by a research ethics board . We have little evidence on how researchers are dealing with this requirement in multisite studies, which involve more than one REB. We retrospectively examined 22 REB submissions for two minimal-risk, multisite studies in leading Canadian institutions. Most REBs granted expedited review to the studies, while one declared the application (...)
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  27.  53
    From Human Tissue to Human Bodies: donation, interventions and justified distinctions?Muireann Quigley - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):73-78.
    This article reviews the latest report from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Human Bodies: Donation for Medicine and Research. It argues that the report represents a notable evolution in the Council's position regarding the appropriate governance of the human body and biomaterials. It then goes on to examine in more depth one of the report's recommendations – that a pilot payment scheme for eggs for research purposes should be trialled. In particular, it looks at whether the (...)
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    The Human Genome Project.Sharon J. Durfy & Amy E. Grotevant - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (4):347-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Human Genome ProjectSharon J. Durfy (bio) and Amy E. Grotevant (bio)In recent years, scientists throughout the world have embarked upon a long-term biological investigation that promises to revolutionize the decisions people make about their lives and lifestyles, the way doctors practice medicine, how scientists study biology, and the way we think of ourselves as individuals and as a species. It is called the Human Genome Project, and its (...)
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  29. Human cloning and embryo research: The 2003 John J. Conley lecture on medical ethics.Robert P. George - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (1):3-20.
    The author, a member of the U.S.President's Council on Bioethics, discussesethical issues raised by human cloning, whetherfor purposes of bringing babies to birth or forresearch purposes. He first argues that everycloned human embryo is a new, distinct, andenduring organism, belonging to the speciesHomo sapiens, and directing its owndevelopment toward maturity. He then distinguishesbetween two types of capacities belonging toindividual organisms belonging to this species,an immediately exerciseable capacity and abasic natural capacity that develops over time. He argues that it is (...)
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  30. Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (A Recommended Manuscript).Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai Ethics Committee - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):47-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 47-54 [Access article in PDF] Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research*(A Recommended Manuscript) Adopted on 16 October 2001Revised on 20 August 2002 Ethics Committee of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203 Human embryonic stem cell (ES) research is a great project in the frontier of biomedical science for the twenty-first century. Be- cause the (...)
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  31.  80
    Human dignity in international policy documents: A useful criterion for public policy?Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (1):37-45.
    Current developments in biomedicine are presenting us with difficult ethical decisions and raising complex policy questions about how to regulate these new developments. Particularly vexing for governments have been issues related to human embryo experimentation. Because some of the most promising biomedical developments, such as stem cell research and nuclear somatic transfer, involve such experimentation, several international bodies have drafted documents aimed to provide guidance to governments when developing biomedical science policy. Here I focus on two such documents: the (...)
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    Business and Human Rights Regulation After the UN Guiding Principles: Accountability, Governance, Effectiveness.René Wolfsteller & Yingru Li - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):1-17.
    Since the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights were adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011, they have diffused into policy frameworks, laws, and regulations across the globe. This special issue seeks to advance the interdisciplinary field of human rights research by examining key elements of the emerging transnational regime for the regulation of business and human rights. In seven original contributions, scholars from political science, law, accounting, and philosophy critically reflect on the theoretical (...)
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  33. Humanities–Industry Partnerships and the 'Knowledge Society': The Australian Experience. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Cassity & Ien Ang - 2006 - Minerva 44 (1):47-63.
    National research policies are today driven by the concept of the ‘knowledge society’, in which development is deemed to follow the application of new ideas. Australia, like other countries, has encouraged partnerships between the universities and industry. This essay examines how Australian scholars in the humanities have responded to the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects. Their experience underlines the importance of viewing collaboration as social practice, and the need to find a satisfactory synthesis between academic and (...)
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  34. Fostering creativity and innovation without encouraging unethical behavior.Sherrie E. Human, David A. Baucus, William I. Norton & Melissa S. Baucus - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):97-115.
    Many prescriptions offered in the literature for enhancing creativity and innovation in organizations raise ethical concerns, yet creativity researchers rarely discuss ethics. We identify four categories of behavior proffered as a means for fostering creativity that raise serious ethical issues: breaking rules and standard operating procedures; challenging authority and avoiding tradition; creating conflict, competition and stress; and taking risks. We discuss each category, briefly identifying research supporting these prescriptions for fostering creativity and then we delve into ethical issues associated (...)
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  35. Potentiality and human embryos.John P. Lizza - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (7):379–385.
    ABSTRACT Consideration of the potentiality of human embryos to develop characteristics of personhood, such as intellect and will, has figured prominently in arguments against abortion and the use of human embryos for research. In particular, such consideration was the basis for the call of the US President's Council on Bioethics for a moratorium on stem cell research on human embryos. In this paper, I critique the concept of potentiality invoked by the Council and offer an alternative (...)
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    Philosophical Questions about Teaching Philosophy: What's at Stake in High School Philosophy Education?Trevor Norris - unknown
    What is at stake in high school philosophy education, and why? Why is it a good idea to teach philosophy at this level? This essay seeks to address some issues that arose in revising the Ontario grade 12 philosophy curriculum documents, significant insights from philosophy teacher education, and some early results of recent research funded by the federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada. These three topics include curricular disputes, stories of transformation from (...)
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    The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute.Elizabeth J. Thomson, Joy T. Boyer & Eric Mark Meslin - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (3):291-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program at the National Human Genome Research InstituteEric M. Meslin (bio), Elizabeth J. Thomson (bio), and Joy T. Boyer (bio)Organizers of the Human Genome Project (HGP) understood from the beginning that the scientific activities of mapping and sequencing the human genome would raise ethical, legal, and social issues that would require careful attention by scientists, health care professionals, government officials, (...)
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    Ethics in compulsory education – Human dignity, rights and social justice in five contexts.Karin Sporre - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    What children learn through their ethics and values education in school is of crucial societal relevance and is directed by school curricula. As curricula vary between countries, an international comparison is of interest. The aim of this study was to compare curricula to reveal variations in how matters of social justice were described in curricular texts, with a special focus on class, gender and race. Curricula from five different contexts were compared: Namibia; South Africa; California State, United States of America; (...)
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  39. Can AI Achieve Common Good and Well-being? Implementing the NSTC's R&D Guidelines with a Human-Centered Ethical Approach.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - 2024 Annual Conference on Science, Technology, and Society (Sts) Academic Paper, National Taitung University. Translated by Jr-Jiun Lian.
    This paper delves into the significance and challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics and justice in terms of Common Good and Well-being, fairness and non-discrimination, rational public deliberation, and autonomy and control. Initially, the paper establishes the groundwork for subsequent discussions using the Academia Sinica LLM incident and the AI Technology R&D Guidelines of the National Science and Technology Council(NSTC) as a starting point. In terms of justice and ethics in AI, this research investigates whether AI can fulfill (...)
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    Bringing It All Together: Leveraging Social Movements and the Courts to Advance Substantive Human Rights and Climate Justice.Tracy Smith-Carrier & Kathleen Manion - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (4):551-574.
    Although significant literature and jurisprudence has amassed on rights-based climate litigation over recent years, less research and case law has emerged on poverty-related court cases and the fulfilment of economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) in Canada. Fewer still are studies exploring the interlinkages between these areas of inquiry. The purpose of this paper is to explore, using Canada as a case study, rights-based developments in climate litigation cases and how these could impact the innovative advancement of (...)
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    Human research ethics in Australia: Ethical regulation and public policy.Susan Dodds - 2000 - Monash Bioethics Review 19 (2):S4-S21.
    This paper critically assesses the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans as a piece of public policy concerning the regulation of research ethics. Two of the stated purposes of the National Statement are the provision of a “national reference point for ethical consideration relevant to all research involving humans” and the “protection of the welfare and rights of participants in research”. The process of Human Research Ethics Committee review of research proposals (...)
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  42. Why human "altered nuclear transfer" is unethical: a holistic systems view.W. Malcolm Byrnes - 2005 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (2):271-279.
    A remarkable event occurred at the December 3, 2004, meeting of the U. S. President’s Council on Bioethics. Council member William Hurlbut, a physician and Consulting Professor in the Program in Human Biology at Stanford University, formally unveiled a proposal that he claimed would solve the ethical problems surrounding the extraction of stem cells from human embryos. The proposal would involve the creation of genetically defective embryos that “never rise to the level of integrated organismal existence essential to (...)
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    Sexual abuse: A practical theological study, with an emphasis on learning from transdisciplinary research.Heidi Human & Julian C. Müller - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    This article illustrates the practical usefulness of transdisciplinary work for practical theology by showing how input from an occupational therapist informed my understanding and interpretation of the story of Hannetjie, who had been sexually abused as a child. This forms part of a narrative practical theological research project into the spirituality of female adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Transdisciplinary work is useful to practical theologians, as it opens possibilities for learning about matters pastors have to face, but may (...)
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    Ethical Oversight of Multinational Collaborative Research: Lessons from Africa for Building Capacity and for Policy.Jeremy Sugarman & Participants in the Partnership for Enhancing Human Research Protections Durban Workshop1 - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (3):84-86.
    Researchers and others involved in the research enterprise from 12 African countries met with those working in ethics and oversight in the United States as part of an effort to develop research ethics capacity. Drawing on a wealth of experience among participants, discussions at the meeting revealed five categories of issues that warrant careful attention by those engaged in similar efforts as well as international policymakers and those charged with oversight of research. (1) Principal investigators should build (...)
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  45. Elusive Equity: Education Reform in Post-Apartheid South Africa Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa.E. B. Fiske & H. F. Ladd - forthcoming - Nexus.
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    Big Tobacco and the human genome: driving the scientific bandwagon?Helen M. Wallace - 2009 - Genomics, Society and Policy 5 (1):1-54.
    The tobacco industry first began to promote the idea that a minority of smokers are 'genetically predisposed' to lung cancer in the 1950s. We used tobacco industry documents available as a result of litigation to investigate the role of the tobacco industry in funding the 'scientific bandwagon' described by Fujimura, in which genetics has come to dominate the cancer research agenda. From 1990-1995 inclusive, 52% of the project funding allocated by British American Tobacco's Scientific Research Group went to (...)
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    Comment on a proposed draft protocol for the European Convention on Biomedicine relating to research on the human embryo and fetus.M. M. Lebech - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (5):345-347.
    Judge Christian Byk renders service to the Steering Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe (CDBI) by proposing a draft of the protocol destined to fill in a gap in international law on the status of the human embryo. This proposal, printed in a previous issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics deserves nevertheless to be questioned on important points. Is Christian Byk proposing to legalise research on human embryos not only in vitro but also in utero?
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  48. Moral rural : beliefs in a changing rural world.Angel Paniagua, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Csic, Madrid & Spain - 2014 - In Miranda Fuller, Psychology of morality: new research. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    The Human Rights Council: A New Era in UN Human Rights Work?Yvonne Terlingen - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (2):167-178.
    Kofi Annan did more than any UN secretary-general before him to stress the close link between human rights and peace and security. With the creation of the Human Rights Council, said Annan, "a new era in the human rights work of the United Nations has been proclaimed.".
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    “No Gree for Anybody!”- “Without our compliance, their power means nothing”: unveiling the subtleness in Nigeria’s socio-political activism.Silas Udenze Humanities & Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Communication - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-18.
    This study employs online archival and interview methods to understand how people on X (formerly Twitter) interpret and construct the ‘No Gree for Anybody’ tweets as a form of digital protest. ‘No Gree for Anybody,’ translating to ‘Do not compromise for anyone’ in Nigerian Pidgin English, became a sort of national anthem on social media, especially on Twitter, amid the socioeconomic challenges in Nigeria. The adoption of this slogan, despite concerns from the Nigerian Police, underscores its influential role as an (...)
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